After a year of efforts, inquiries, phone calls, requests, negotiations, we have bought data from the Central Statistical Office on people who received social assistance benefits between 2011 and 2022. The analyses we will be able to make will have many limitations, and conclusions will have to be subject to many caveats, but nevertheless it …
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Our recent interviews
We talked recently with two experts: Gill Taylor and Julie Rugg. Gill – among other commitments – is working in the Homeless Dying Project at the Museum of Homelessness in London. Gill is a co-author of the latest report on the deaths of people experiencing homelessness in the UK in 2023. Julie is a Senior …
Where is the data coming from?
Studying homeless mortality means obtaining data on mortality for the subpopulation of people experiencing homelessness. In theory, this could be done in two different ways: However, the problem is that the death register does not include homelessness status and homelessness databases do not record deaths. Linking different registers could be a solution. We look at …
Cmentarz Południowy – Warsaw’s contemporary Potter’s field
Cmentarz Komunalny Południowy w Antoninowie